
author C.C.Cole's blog

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Afterlife of the Viking

Ragnar "Vikings"

Ragnar of “Vikings” faces judgment in the Underworld before Gastar characters Shevata and Zermon.

Shevata leaned back on the armrest of the obsidian throne.  “Zermon, no more savages!”
“I’ll remind you that you released the last one?”  Zermon rolled his eyes looking over a short man brought before them in chains. 
“If you want to drop this one in the pit, then do it.” Shevata attempted to jump down to leave, but Zermon held her back. 
“No, little devil.  Let’s meet this man.”  He handed her the scroll.  She glanced a scowl as she unrolled it and read aloud.  “Ragnar.  You’re a savage.  Throw him in.”  The demons lifted him.

“Wait!” Said Ragnar.  “How can you call me a savage considering what you do here?”
Zermon leaned back.  “Keep him up a minute.”
Shevata looked over Ragnar.  “You are an idiot for saying that.  This is hell.”
Zermon looked at the scroll at roared in laughter.  “He expected to go to Valhalla!”  Shevata snatched it back from him. 
“There’s no Vahalla Ragnar.”  She looked over the page.  “But you’ve been a great warrior, traveled far, and led your men to great victories in battle.”  She smiled.  “But it’s always the details, isn’t it?”  She continued to read.  “You led you men to Northumbria, captured the King’s brother, and killed him when you said you wouldn’t.  Nice.  Let’s see.”  She looked further down the page.  “ You abandoned your family for your own gain, took and impregnated another woman, causing your wife to leave you for another man and later separating her from her son she bore for you.”

Ragnar stood with pride.  “Anything else?”
Shevata looked over the page again.  “No Ragnar.  Nothing else.”
“So why should I be condemned?  I needed another wife to bear me more sons.  As for Northumbria, we never met them before.  It was war.”
Shevata looked back at Zermon and he nodded.  She slid off the armrest of the throne and walked toward him.  “So perhaps we have it all wrong down here in the Underworld, is that right, Ragnar?  That you’re just a good man, misunderstood?”
“I’m a man that lived in a violent world.” 
“You’re a man that committed treachery, murder, infidelity that lead to the death of one of your children.”  Shevata withdrew her dagger.
“My child died of illness!”

Shevata motioned to the demons to pin him down on his back.  With the dagger she cut down his breastbone from top to bottom.  She stood up and looked down at him.  “Now Zermon will take over.  This is the custom of your people that treachery bears this punishment.  Only a savage would think of something like this to do to another!”  She kicked him hard in the groin and walked away. 
She heard a scream in the distance and Zermon say “Oh, I guess that’s why they call it the Blood Eagle.”

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